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我们在全球设有多家研发机构,并与国内外顶尖企业和机构建立了合作关系,研发人员都是具备业内顶尖公司从业经验的工程师,他们致力于使用石墨烯科技最大限度的提高涂料产品的各方面性能,同时在技术配方 原材料使用 制造工艺 质量控制 涂料配套设计乃至技术服务等方面都力争与世界顶尖涂料企业保持一致。

We have set up several research and development centers across the world, and established partnership with top-notch domestic and foreign companies and institutes. Our R&D team is formed by engineers and technicians with experience in top companies of this industry. They are dedicated to improving the performance of coating products with graphene technology in all aspects, and keeping pace with global-leading names in material selection, formulation, manufacturing process, quality control, system design and technical service.


Our technical service engineers are experienced workers. Most of them have working experience in internationally renowned coating companies and hold NACE and FROSIO certificates. Based on their experience in coating construction, they are able to provide professional suggestions and assistance, ensure that customers’ needs are satisfied and create value for customers in every aspect. 

联系电话: 0513-84525256 邮编:226413 邮箱:toppen-jsxz@toppen.com.cn 公司地址:如东县长沙镇洋口港临港工业区经三路东,纬三路南
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